Here is a possible TNT-Tag API page:


To use the TNT-Tag API, call Tnttag.getAPI(), which returns an instance of the API class. The API class provides the following methods:


int getTimesTagged(UUID playerUUID)

Returns the number of times the specified player has been tagged.

int getWins(UUID playerUUID)

Returns the number of times the specified player has won a game.

int getTags(UUID playerUUID)

Returns the number of times the specified player has tagged other players.

void setTimesTagged(UUID playerUUID, int value)

Sets the number of times the specified player has been tagged.

void setWins(UUID playerUUID, int value)

Sets the number of times the specified player has won a game.

void setTags(UUID playerUUID, int value)

Sets the number of times the specified player has tagged other players.

boolean arenaExists(String arenaName)

Returns true if the specified arena exists.

HashMap<Player, PlayerType> getPlayers(String arenaName)

Returns a map of the players in the specified arena and their types (TNT or player).

String getArenaState(String arenaName)

Returns the current state of the specified arena (WAITING, STARTING, RUNNING, or ENDING).

TreeMap<UUID, Integer> getWinsData()

Returns a map of the UUIDs of all players and their corresponding number of wins.

TreeMap<UUID, Integer> getTimesTaggedData()

Returns a map of the UUIDs of all players and their corresponding number of times tagged.

TreeMap<UUID, Integer> getTagsData()

Returns a map of the UUIDs of all players and their corresponding number of tags. TreeMap<UUID, Integer> getWinstreakData()

Returns a map of the UUIDs of all players and their corresponding winstreak.


The following events are available:



  • String getArenaName(): Returns the name of the arena that is ending.

  • HashMap<Player, PlayerType> getPlayers(): Returns a map of the players in the arena and their types (TNT or player).

  • ArrayList<Player> getWinners(): Returns a list of the players who won the game.



  • String getArenaName(): Returns the name of the arena that has started.



  • String getArenaName(): Returns the name of the arena that is starting.



  • Player getPlayer(): Returns the player who joined the arena.

  • String getArenaName(): Returns the name of the arena the player joined.



  • Player getPlayer(): Returns the player who left the arena.

  • String getArenaName(): Returns the name of the arena the player left.



  • Player getPlayer(): Returns the player who lost the round.

  • String getArenaName(): Returns the name of the arena where the player lost.

Last updated