

Config.yml File

The config.yml file contains settings for the plugin. Below are the options available:

Round Finish Commands

round-finish-commands specifies the commands that will be executed when a round is finished. The commands can be customized for both taggers and survivors. You can use the player placeholder %player% in the commands.


    - eco add %player% 10
    - eco add %player% 20

Arena Finish Commands

arena-finish-commands specifies the commands that will be executed when an arena game is finished. You can use the winner placeholder %winner% in the command.


  - eco add %winner% 1000

Times To Broadcast

timesToBroadcast specifies the countdown times when a broadcast message will be sent to the players. You can customize the countdown times to your preference.


  - 50
  - 40
  - 30
  - 20
  - 15
  - 10
  - 5
  - 4
  - 3
  - 2
  - 1

Start Message

startMessage specifies the message that will be displayed when the game starts. You can customize the message to your preference.


  - "&b==================&cTNT-Tag&b=================="
  - "                    &6&lTNT-Tag        "
  - "   &6You need to avoid the tagger and run fast!        "
  - " &6&lHit someone quickly when you get tagged before you explode!        "
  - "&b==================&cTNT-Tag&b=================="

Arena Configuration File

The arena configuration file contains settings for each individual arena. Below are the options available:

Start Location

startLocation specifies the starting location for the players in the arena.


    world: world
    x: 0
    y: 64
    z: 0

Lobby Location

lobbyLocation specifies the lobby location for the players in the arena.


    world: world
    x: 0
    y: 64
    z: 0

Maximum and Minimum Players

maxPlayers and minPlayers specify the maximum and minimum number of players allowed in the arena.


  maxPlayers: 16
  minPlayers: 2

Potion Effects

potionEffects specifies the potion effects that will be applied to players in the arena. You can add multiple potion effects by using the format <POTIONEFFECT:LEVEL:GROUP> where POTIONEFFECT is the name of the potion effect, LEVEL is the strength of the potion effect and GROUP specifies which group of players the potion effect will be applied to.



Round Duration

roundDuration specifies the duration of the round in seconds. You can customize this to your liking.


roundDuration: 180

This sets the round duration to 180 seconds (3 minutes). Players will have to avoid being tagged by the TNT block for the duration of the round. Once the round is finished, the round finish commands specified in the config.yml file will be executed.

It is important to note that the round duration can greatly affect the gameplay experience. If the duration is too short, players may not have enough time to fully enjoy the game. On the other hand, if the duration is too long, the game may become tedious and players may lose interest. It is recommended to experiment with different round durations to find the optimal duration for your players.

Bungee Mode

bungee-mode controls the behavior of players when they join and leave TNT-Tag in Bungee Mode. You can configure whether players instantly join TNT-Tag, are unable to leave TNT-Tag, and specify the lobby server name.


  enabled: false
  lobby-server: "lobby" # The name of your lobby server.
  enter-arena-instantly: false # Only enable this if you only have one arena, it will let players enter that arena directly.
  restart-command: "restart" # Your server will be automatically restarted after an arena ends if "enter-arena-instantly" is set to true.

Cooldown for Tagging Survivors

cooldown specifies the cooldown settings for tagging survivors. You can enable or disable it and set the duration in seconds.


  enabled: true
  duration: 2.0

Delay Settings

delay specifies the delay settings between starting a new round and teleporting back to the global lobby after a game. You can configure the delay for both situations.


  new-round: 3
  after-game: 5

Global Lobby Option

global-lobby determines whether the global lobby is enabled or disabled. If set to false, players will instantly leave the TNT-Tag mode when they want to leave an arena, and they won't be able to join it as well if this is disabled.


global-lobby: true

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